Thursday, 9 June 2011

Avenue Flo download free full version pc games



Gameplay 7
Graphics 6.5
Sound 6
Difficulty Medium
Concept 7
Multiplayer N/A
Overall 7

Gameplay Screenshots


Avenue Flo features Flo, the beloved heroine of the Diner Dash series, and positions her in a more active adventure game where she must traverse the length and breadth of DinerTown on her latest quest.
The game also marks the first speaking role for Flo and her cohorts adding a vibrant and more interactive feel to the game. Fans and newcomers will face Flo’s nail biting goal of saving DinerTown from the worst wedding disaster it’s ever faced – a potential catastrophe that touches almost every character and business in town!


  • Over 40 scenes to explore
  • 20 in-scene puzzles or mini games
  • Engaging story with full voice over
  • Hear Flo’s voice for the first time

System Requirements

  • Windows Vista, XP SP1 & 2
  • Pentium IV 1.2 Ghz processor or faster
  • 256 MB RAM
  • 800 x 600 minimum screen resolution
  • 60 MB available hard drive space

Download Links

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Bitshare Links

This game requires 7-Zip for extraction and installation. Please download it. Click Here Year Gift: Get Free Premium Accounts:
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